A community-led initiative to combat misinformation and hate speech
Who we are
We are a network of community leaders, students, educators, mentors, and citizens who love to argue. We believe that open, civil dialogue is the only way to combat misinformation and hate. We don’t believe in de-platforming or canceling people; we believe honest dialogue is the best way to change hearts and minds.
What we do
We teach debate to educators, student mentors, students, community and religious leaders, and anyone who wants to engage online and discuss hot topics. Our participants are between 16 and 25 years of age, and for the first time this year, we will be hosting a competition both online and in person. The three top-ranked speakers from each region will be awarded a Visa or Amazon gift card. The top-ranked speaker will be offered the opportunity to travel to Washington, DC, to compete in a final Championship debate. These participants will have the chance to meet with Industry and Government Leaders and University Representatives in DC.
Interested in our program? Visit our About page, which gives detailed instructions on choosing a topic, creating a speech, and sending a speech for review. Students are graded based on a rubric from researchers at the University of Cambridge. Extra points are given to students who upload two speeches - one for the motion (affirmative) and one against the motion (negation) because it proves that students thought critically and considered viewpoints they may disagree with. Once you have uploaded your speeches, we will review them and award points based on the rubric.
Your speeches will be shared on the website and our YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. We know some people wish to remain anonymous, so you may keep your camera off, use a nom de plume, animate your video to make it fun, and add captions to ensure it is understood. We will eventually need a consent form from a guardian if you are under 18, win top speaker, and choose to travel to the in-person competition.
Other than fun, why should you engage in debate? Debate has been shown to raise test scores and overall academic performance, increase IQ levels and help students lead a successful life. Understanding how to advocate for yourself and the causes you care about is an essential skill.
Debate looks great on college resumes, and the ability to present confidently is a skill you can turn into a business! Many college and high school debaters start successful businesses or mentorship programs in their communities, which helps them pay for college, a home, a family, and other living expenses.
Debate encourages the application of coveted leadership skills, including presentation, delegation, adaptability, time management, organization, communication, negotiation, and the ability to take initiative. These skills give debaters a competitive edge in the workplace and life.
Debate builds literacy and multimedia research skills, fosters critical thinking and expanded perspectives, enhances public speaking skills, increases confidence, trains students to listen effectively, supports diverse learners, and strengthens civil engagement and discourse.